11:47 AM | Posted in
1. Paypal

Paypal is an online payment tool for buying and selling transactions, money transfers etc. online on the internet. Paypal has been in use since long time internationally by many large companies because it had tested its security. Paypal actually function the same as ordinary bank accounts, but specifically in use for international transactions online. By having a paypal then you can perform various financial transactions with other parties around the world, you can receive payments, commissions or salaries from international companies and can transfer money to your Paypal account at local banks in Indonesia such as: BCA, MANDIRI, BNI, BRI, BANK, BANK etc.. if you do not have paypal so can register for free

Please sign up or open a free paypal account

In the first stage select the first "country Indonesia" and Select your "Personal"

Fill in and create a password with a combination of letters and numbers at least six digits

Fill in your name and address data correctly, if you name just one word then fill in first name only, then in the last name input the comma. Continue the registration process until completed and

For Credit Card link in the do not check first. You can now register and later passed to later verification.

You do not need to verify Credit Card first. So you can skip and proceed by clicking the "My Account" to login to the member area.

To start open a free account / Signup paypal: click here Important Note:

You can log in and accept payments to paypal though not yet verified.

You can upgrade from the personal to the premiere for free anytime.

You can verify later on in order to transfer money from paypal into local banks in Indonesia such as BCA, Lippo, Bank etc.. tips verify paypal without credit card. Tips PayPal Without Credit Card Verification Paypal verification are crucial to your account can really use it fully, you can also do it later. You can join the first few programs that pay via paypal and if you already have a balance in paypal then it can be done some verification. But if you want to use it to conduct transactions via the website so you have to account in order to verify your paypal can be used well, transfer, receive, withdraw, etc., it is necessary to verify first. Paypa can now verify the account without Credit Card There are many ways to verify paypal by Credit Card, Debit Card, Prepaid credit cards etc..

For Credit Card from a bank in Indonesia that could be used in verification of al of: HSBC Visa Visa BNI, Mandiri Visa, Citibank Mastercard, Mastercard BCA, BRI Mastercard or VISA Credit Card and Master Card. If you are using a credit card verification then you can fill out a paypal account from Credit Card. Simply masuukan your credit card number, type (VISA / Mastercard), Expired date. If you use the paypal credit card will make a charge of $ 1.95 to your credit card and will send a four digit verification code. You find in print out your monthly credit card, so you have to wait four-digit code listed in the print out monthly credit card statement, then insert into your paypal acc.

While DEBIT CARD / ATM output in Indonesian banks could not in use to verify paypal. One of the tips verify paypal if you do not have a credit card is to use a Virtual Credit Card. namely in the form of a virtual credit card (without the physical card). VCC pake there that can verify it and can not in content (zero balance), there is also a VCC can be set so that funds can be used to fill the funds in your paypal account. Paypal does not prohibit the use of prepaid credit cards (see the section withdraw funds with debit card / prepaid card). You can buy and search for VCC provider and requested assistance to conduct a verification process to finish. usually cost between $ 5 - $ 20. Instead of creating their own credit cards which cost is certainly quite expensive. You can use VCC liberty reserve to buy it. You should look for providers that can be directly in contact via online chat so you can direct the pilot how to verify paypal. Do not forget to record the data you receive a VCC number and expuse numbernya and store well. so when will paypal do random checks for protection then you have the VCC data. Verify only once and your account will be verified forever.

Examples of local retail outlets are fairly cheap vcc al:



For local sellers can more easily help you verify paypal

Tips to transfer to local bank account: If you've verified paypal account then you can transfer to a local bank account, such as BCA, etc..

First you have to login to paypal first and "Add Bank Account" in Paypal. How Log into your paypal member area, click on Edit Profile, then click the Bank Accounts, click Add to enter your bank data. Paypal requires you to enter a seven digit bank code is the code: + Code Branch bank code. For example for the BCA. Bank code 014. If the branch code 0061 then enter: 0140061, refer to the data bank code

For BCA branch code: http://www.klikbca.com/individual/silver/network.html

For other banks, please contact your bank.
If your account is verified both personal / premium account and have the add bank in profile, then you can withdraw or transfer funds. Just click withdraw funds, enter the value to the transfer, the bank its objectives and follow the process through to completion.

Transfers from paypal to a local bank under the 1.5 million rupiah will be at the cost of wear and Transfer Rp.16.000 over 1.5 Million can not be charged.

If your bank refused to transfer it will cut the cost of 50.000.

Transfer to the Bank and Debit cards in limiting the maximum $ 500 per day and a minimum $ 10 the transfer process will normally be entered in the bank rekning 4-5 business days.

Paypal limit the acceptance of a transfer to another $ 10,000 to his rule in the FAQ you should read his paypal.

How to Transfer in Paypal:

Log in to paypal, click the "Send Money"

Fill in the email paypal purpose, large transfers such as: 1 or 1.5

Follow the instructions until the process is "Confirm" About Limit Paypal

If your acc got "limited" please login and click the "Solve", usually there are some things that in asking for features, for example in the verification request, the request ID cards or upload Scan rek Utility bill as electricity, telephone or water bill accounts Paypal Security Tips:

Never log into your paypal acc by clicking on a link from an email, except for the first time you sign it (the activation link).

Many email from hackers who use paypal name, with content such as: your account suspended, update your account etc, who sent an email click the link to login. Remember "Never On Click" is a trap because of the people who want to steal your data and passwords paypal.

Just login to paypal by typing directly in the internet browser www.paypal.com
7:14 PM | Posted in
How To Get Accepted To ANY CPA 
Affiliate Network Without

Hi and welcome to a special bonus report on how you can get accepted to
any CPA Affiliate Network without any problems. I wrote this report after
receiving hundreds of emails from people who have trouble being
accepted into CPA networks.

In this report I will simply show you an easy way to get accepted to ANY
CPA Network without being rejected. I will give you the exact script to use
and what to say to them.

Okay, let me go straight into this without wasting your time.

We all know CPA (Cost Per Action) is a big thing especially as we are now
in 2009 it is growing. In fact more and more companies are paying
affiliates “per lead” as long as they have data. Companies LOVE leads and
they spend billions and billions of dollars on marketing and making sure
they get the best leads possible.

For example, take a look at this simple page. This is an example of a CPA
offer from a popular CPA network.

As you can see this simple page pays over a dollar for a simple email
submission.  This is a simple example of a CPA offer. So you get the idea?


Now the next step is to start apply for CPA Affiliate Networks.

Now before you start getting excited and start picking out your CPA
Affiliate Networks please note there are THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of
CPA Affiliate networks. I do not want people to start complaining as to
why they got rejected on certain ones because there are just lots of them
out there!



CX Digital/Incentaclick
Pepperjam Network

Okay...that was a long list but you get the idea? There are so many out
there so you must not start crying if you get rejected by one or two..

Anyway, there is no secret in getting accepted by an Affiliate Network.
I am going to show you a live example of how to apply for a popular
affiliate Network.

So lets say for example, we are applying for the CPA Affiliate Network
Primary Ads

Now enter all your contact and personal details (which is pretty easy to do
but the part where people start struggling is the actual application when
they enter their website information)

I usually have one main website – which is “Whitehat” that I can use to
apply to any CPA Network.  Let me go through this in turn.

Site URL – This is your “Whitehat” website that you are going to use to
apply to every single CPA network. Remember this website is not going to

be your website to promote anything Blackhat. An example of this
website would be http://www.petwebsite.com/ (this is a website about
pets, its got some content, Adsense ads and a few other ads)

Your website does not have to be in PHP or be designed in beautiful
templates. You can use a simple basic Wordpress BLOG and add content
to it. Just make sure you buy a domain name. I recommend you buy a
cheap .info domain name (cost is around 99 cents from GoDaddy) and on
your wordpress website just add some content, have a bunch of Adsense
ads or other ads, and a few videos for your niche. For example, lets say
you have a wordpress site on games then the CPA company will think you
are going to promote their CPA offers using your website with gaming
related CPA offers. As long as you can show that your website is targeting
a niche or is going to promote ALL of the CPA offers you will be fine.

Site Category – Again this is easy to do. If your “whitehat” content
wordpress site is going to be on games then you just go to the games
category, or if your site is about something else, for e.g pets then go to
the pets category.

Unique Visitors Per Month – CPA Affiliate Managers ask this question a
lot in the application process. Just put down something like 500-700
unique visitors a day. You do not have to show proof of visitors, as long as
they know that your website gets lots of traffic then you will be accepted
easily! I mean if you put something like 20 visitors a day, do you think you

will get accepted? NO!

How will you promote our campaigns?

Okay, this is the part where you need to be careful. Many people do not
answer this question properly so therefore, you can follow my script
which gets me accepted 99% of the time to ANY CPA Network.
This question simply means how you intend to market their offers online
using your site or any other means?

This is the answer I usually give.

“I am an expert in online marketing with over 5 years experience. I will 
use a range of online marketing techniques to promote your campaigns.
I will be using Article marketing to direct traffic to your campaigns as I
have launched several successful products on this in the past and they
have generated non stop traffic to websites.

I will also be using E-mail marketing as I have a list of over 500+ hungry
prospective customers for this niche who would be an ideal group of
people to target.

Other methods I will be hoping to use is PPC, and also social networking
marketing methods. I have good experience in a range of fields when it
comes to promoting products or services online”

Do you Publish A newsletter – Some companies ask you if you publish a
newsletter. If you want to say yes then sometimes you can make up a
number of subscribers you have. For example, 500+.

Again this is entirely up to you.

Some CPA companies will take 24 hours to approve you and accept your
application, whilst some companies can take up to 3 days.

Applying through the Phone

On some occasions you might get a phone call from the person who is
handling your application process. For example, he/she will ask you a
basic question “how do you intend to promote our offers?”

They usually do this just to make sure you are serious about promoting
their offers and you know what you are talking about.

I usually repeat the above script that I use to apply to the network.


Always use your “WHITEHAT” website to apply to CPA Network even if

you are talking on the phone. Always have a “whitehat” side.

Generally, you want to be seen as a “good guy” in the eyes of your CPA
Manager so do not share any blackhat tactics with him/her.

I hope you enjoyed reading this report.

11:46 AM | Posted in
1. Please Join / Signup Free

Free Signup

Create your username, enter your email and your paypal email

Login to the member area and click on "Marketplace"

View and search for products of interest to the commission to promote and provide 50% to 100% with instant payment system via Paypal.

After finding an interesting product, please click on "Create Link" and enter your username. It will automatically get a link that you can promote to earn commissions instantly.

Commission structure as follows

For commissions 100%, then all proceeds going directly to your paypal email.

To commission 75%, then proceeds as follows:

Sales first to admin

To 2,3,4 to your Sales

To commission 50%, then proceeds as follows:

First sale, to 3,5,7 etc. to admin

Penjuaan to 2,4,6 etc to your
Examples of programs the commission $ 7 In the instant to your paypal .. Without Boundaries
Your affiliate links will be as follows:

http://payspree.com/125/xxx (Replace "xxx" with "username" you)

Promote your affiliate links
If your link in the visit will be automatically redirected to
If visitors buy products valued at $ 7 then automatically send it to
your paypal email.
Get Instant Commissions $ 7 As you earn from sales

Instant Payment System with the composition of the Commission is 75%
Sales of the first $ 7 directly to admin
Sales to -2 $ 7 directly to "your Paypal email"
Sales to -3 $ 7 directly to "your Paypal email"
Sales to -2 $ 7 directly to "your Paypal email"
And so on automatically in the rotation system.

2. You can also see an affiliate link in member area

Login to mmber areas: http://payspree.com 
Get your affiliate link from forexchampions in the "Marketplace"
Your affiliate links will be as follows: http://payspree.com/125/xxx
Where should you replace xxx with the "username" your
Promote your affiliate links

Hurry Join and get commission $ 7 By Instant Without Limits: