11:46 AM | Posted in
1. Please Join / Signup Free

Free Signup

Create your username, enter your email and your paypal email

Login to the member area and click on "Marketplace"

View and search for products of interest to the commission to promote and provide 50% to 100% with instant payment system via Paypal.

After finding an interesting product, please click on "Create Link" and enter your username. It will automatically get a link that you can promote to earn commissions instantly.

Commission structure as follows

For commissions 100%, then all proceeds going directly to your paypal email.

To commission 75%, then proceeds as follows:

Sales first to admin

To 2,3,4 to your Sales

To commission 50%, then proceeds as follows:

First sale, to 3,5,7 etc. to admin

Penjuaan to 2,4,6 etc to your
Examples of programs the commission $ 7 In the instant to your paypal .. Without Boundaries
Your affiliate links will be as follows:

http://payspree.com/125/xxx (Replace "xxx" with "username" you)

Promote your affiliate links
If your link in the visit will be automatically redirected to
If visitors buy products valued at $ 7 then automatically send it to
your paypal email.
Get Instant Commissions $ 7 As you earn from sales

Instant Payment System with the composition of the Commission is 75%
Sales of the first $ 7 directly to admin
Sales to -2 $ 7 directly to "your Paypal email"
Sales to -3 $ 7 directly to "your Paypal email"
Sales to -2 $ 7 directly to "your Paypal email"
And so on automatically in the rotation system.

2. You can also see an affiliate link in member area

Login to mmber areas: http://payspree.com 
Get your affiliate link from forexchampions in the "Marketplace"
Your affiliate links will be as follows: http://payspree.com/125/xxx
Where should you replace xxx with the "username" your
Promote your affiliate links

Hurry Join and get commission $ 7 By Instant Without Limits:
