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click the following link to register
Click the Signup Form and content are complete, including ID card number / Id

Select the Paypal payment system

Fill in the code that appears and click Signup
After entering the next stage click "No thanks ..... Two times and continuously, through bidding for premium membership. so you can join a free course

Tip: Create a reseller web settings by using PayDotCom facilities- Minimal created two web pages with file: index and product pages- Login to the member area paydotcom.com- Click My Products and click Create New Product, Enter the product name, description, and price of products and Create a short and interesting.

Fill your web url in the sales page url eg: http://web-anda.com

Load the url of your product pages in the thank you page url eg: http://web-anda.com/produk.html buyer will automatically go to this url after making a payment.

Click on approve any affiliate ....and Display this product .... then click save and Proceeds to next step Fill a large percentage of commission for the affiliate that sells your product, for example 50 to 50%, then click add. The greater the percentage the more attractive others to join as an affiliate. eg 50% 70%. you can edit at any time.
Check the sell using paypal and enter your paypal email, then click save and go to step3

Pilikh Root Directory with the click of a sign (+) and click kategory that match your products (2) and click Save

Then pass the page if no one will you fill in, click Save

Click the I am done and you're done setting

Click Get Code button to see the full html code, you just select just the model image PayDotCom imagenya whether or paypal. copy the code and place / paste it in your web index page.

If you are using the image itself then it could be linked to existing payment link on the payment button code in the box like the example I have: http://paydotcom.net/?affiliate=728235
Note: After you finished the setting, Coffee and paste your choice of payment code, then paste or place it on your web page that is in part: index.html. please open the file with frontpage or other payment and enter the code.

Editing data in PayDotComYou can edit any time, for example, edit the description pricing, commissions, etc.. Just click on My Products, click again View / edit my product and click the word Edit and select only the parts which will be edited.

After you finish setting PayDotCom, coffee and paste the code of payment (payment button) to the main page at PayDotCom your website (index.html). then you're ready remedy website launched.

How to work with your web PayDotCom Facilities :

You can recruit others to become affiliates and promote your website to earn commissions through paydotocm facilities.

Affiliates can promote your website with a url link from PayDotCom eg http://paydotcom ........ which will automatically redirect to your website and record who was a retailer.

Payments from customers will go straight to paypal, but PayDotCom will automatically merekord statistics such as commissions to affiliates and also the fee to PayDotCom (Feenya range from $ 1 for a price below $ 10, $ 2 for the price $ 10 - $ 19.99 and $ 3 for the price of $ 20 and up).

If you are promoting your own link: http://web-anda.com terrecord it will be without an affiliate and you only need to pay a fee just PayDotCom.

All commissions and fees will be accumulated until the end of the month and you have to pay a total commission and fee PayDotCom affiliate in the next month. You will not be able to login to PayDotCom member area if you have not paid the fee for the previous month. Remember fee only if your web to generate sales. so not a monthly fee.

Promotion Tips With PayDotCom Facilities :

Give a 50% commission on top to facilitate you to recruit affiliates

For the first sale price can give a discount if at a low price so that you can generate sales. On the web you need to know about the new will happen in the PayDotCom directory listing after obtaining at least one sale. If you already terlisting web PayDotCom then another member will be easy to find and better prospects to earn more affiliate member. Next, you can edit at any price.

Recruit affiliate as much as possible, because the affiliate is also likely to be a buyer for your product. PayDotCom also provides the facility to send a mass email to all your affiliates, so very good for the made a means of promotion. Just login, click Manage Affiliates Affiliates and click email to send news to your affiliates. More and more affiliates are promoting your website the more it will quickly get traffic and popularity.

Join with several well-known forum for promoting your website. but remember do not do SPAM. You can put your web link in the Signature. can also directly post topic in the appropriate places. for example in part: website reviews, the Buy-Sell. A good example of al forum: Forum.digitalpoint, webmastertalk, you can search on google. post through the forum quickly proved able to increase the index on search engines like google, yahoo etc. you can also join social networks like myspace etc and include your web url in the profile.

Search blogs page rank is high and then create a post / comment on some article in the blog and paste the url of your website. This also will quickly help you gain popularity and web index in Googe, yahoo etc..
Join the web-link exchange with another web, you can find many web forums link exchange section. your partner the more the better.

If you already have invested a portion of the sale then your profit for the promotion, for example through pay per click programs like Google Ad Words. Bidvertiser or pay per lead programs to recruit affiliates.
Take your time even if no items 1-2 hours each day to continue to search the web, forums, blogs, etc. you can use for promotion or post your web link. then the longer will be more and more.

Use meta tags and keywords that match your web content, this will facilitate the tar index on search engines. you can put a meta tag at the top of your web pages (opens in html mode). such as the example below are printed in red :


<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>. Internet Marketing, Search engine submission, Google Adsense Tips. </ Title>
<META Content=Taufik name=Author>
content = "Search engine submission, online marketing, Internet advertising"
name = Keywords>
content = "Search engine submission, online marketing, Internet advertising"
name = Description>
<META Content="index, follow" name=robots>

Note: For the promotion places in Indonesia can be found on page affiliate member, please join as an affiliate for free and view the data tips campaign in Indonesia.
